Frequently Asked Questions
What is an emergency?
Colic, acute lameness, lacerations, down and unable to get up.
What is a fever in a horse?
A fever is generally considered to be anything above 102 F. Fevers can be caused by infectious diseases or inflammation. You should consult a vet before starting any treatment.
What is Colic in horses & what are the signs?
What is Colic:
The word “colic” simply refers to abdominal pain. It covers a multitude of abdominal and intestinal problems, ranging from simple excess gas in the intestines to severe torsion or twisting of the intestines. It can also include stomach ulcers and pain associated with a disease in the organs of the abdomen.
The most common signs of colic are:
Pawing, kicking or biting at the abdomen, stretching out as if trying to urinate without doing so, repeatedly lying down and getting up, or attempting to do so, rolling - especially violently, sitting in a dog-like position or lying on the back, backing into a corner or post, lack of appetite, lack of bowel movements, sweating excessively, rapid respiration or flared nostrils, depression, etc.